WP 1. Information collection and analysis

Home Results WP 1. Information collection and analysis

Comprehensive analysis of current state of the Climate Service in Ukraine

    1. Survey form for representatives of Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine
    2. Responses to questionnaires for representatives of Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine
    3. List of institutions to which questionnaires were sent
    4. List of institutions participated in the questionnaires
    5. Results of processing surveys for the Hydrometeorological Service        Part 1           Part 2
    6. Analysis of questionnaires for representatives of Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine

End-user survey in order to reveal expectations of target groups towards the proposed climate services

Survey form for representatives of various climate-dependence economic sectors

  1. Nature preservation
  2. Health care
  3. Building and architecture
  4. Water management
  5. Energy
  6. Agriculture
  7. Livestock
  8. Urban economy

Responses to questionnaires

  1. Nature preservation
  2. Health care
  3. Building and architecture
  4. Water management
  5. Energy
  6. Agriculture
  7. Livestock
  8. Urban economy

List of institutions to which questionnaires were sent

  1. Nature preservation
  2. Health care
  3. Building and architecture
  4. Water management
  5. Energy
  6. Agriculture
  7. Urban economy

List of institutions participated in the questionnaires

Analysis of questionnaires for representatives of various climate-dependence economic sectors

  1. Health care  Analysis   Annexes
  2. Building and architecture   Analysis   Annexes
  3. Water management   Analysis    Annexes
  4. Energy    Analysis   Annexes
  5. Agriculture   Analysis    Annexes
  6. Livestock
  7. Urban economy

Guidelines on Curricula Development in the field of climate Service

Guidelines on the reorganization of the State Hydrometeorological Service of Ukraine