WP 2. Development of a Research-and-Education Platform

Home Results WP 2. Development of a Research-and-Education Platform

Constituents of Research and Education Platform under the ClimEd Project


MOODLE-Based Component

The MOODLE-based component of the ClimEd Project is designed to offer specialized studies and training programs in alignment with the project’s provisions. This platform will facilitate an academic environment conducive to the development of essential competencies in climate services, tailored to meet the evolving demands of the international labor market. The platform’s structure is meticulously crafted to address the underdevelopment of climate services within Hydrometeorological Service divisions in Ukraine. By integrating a competency-based approach, this component aims to enhance the skill sets of Hydrometeorological Service personnel, fostering their ability to provide informed and effective climate services. The MOODLE-based system, through its comprehensive curriculum, will contribute significantly to mitigating the socio-economic impacts of climate change by improving climate awareness and expertise.


Chamilo-Based Component

The Chamilo-based component of the ClimEd Project is dedicated to offering Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) accessible to a broader audience. In light of the IPCC’s 2018 report, which underscores the urgent need for widespread and rapid socio-economic transitions to combat climate change, this platform serves as a critical tool for public education and engagement. The Chamilo-based MOOCs aim to enhance public understanding of climate change’s impacts on societal and sustainable development, addressing the current challenges of insufficient climate change awareness among various sectors, public bodies, and municipal services. By disseminating knowledge and fostering a collective understanding of climate-related issues, the Chamilo platform plays a pivotal role in mobilizing community support for essential climate actions and transitions, ultimately contributing to global efforts in limiting warming to 1.5C.

These two constituents of the ClimEd Project’s research-and-education platform synergistically work towards establishing robust climate services in Ukraine. By providing a multi-level educational system in climate services, these platforms aim to meet international standards and efficiently respond to labor market demands, thereby reducing the country’s vulnerability to climate change and stabilizing its socio-economic fabric.


Other Constituents are Currently Under Development

The ClimEd Project is continuously evolving, with several other constituents of the research-and-education platform currently under development. These upcoming components are expected to further enrich the platform, offering more comprehensive and diverse educational and training opportunities in the field of climate services and climate change mitigation. Stay tuned for updates as we expand our scope and reach in contributing to the global efforts in combating climate change and enhancing sustainability.

Coming soon…