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Home Events ClimEd Trainings ClimEd Training 2 (Online)

Adaptation of the Competency Framework for Climate Services to conditions of Ukraine


29 June – 26 August 2021


The ClimEd Trainings are focused on training the faculty/ teaching/ research staff and postgraduates at the ClimEd partner institutions and collaborating organizations in advanced educational and information-and-communication technologies for building a flexible multi-level integrated practice-based education system in the field of Climate Services, Climate Change  Adaptation and Mitigation.


The 2nd ClimEd training includes the following scheduled blocks:

• Lecturing – 29 June – 1 July 2021,
• Home-Work-Assignments – approximately 9 weeks,
• Final Presentations and Discussions – 25-26 August 2021.


Training materials:

* Announcement (aim, training programme in short, organizing committee, organizers, target audience, selection criteria, registration details)

* Online application (including motivation letter and CVweb-form

* List of participants (accepted applicants/ trainees and lecturers/ instructors), preliminary division of trainees by groups

* Training programme

* Materials of the training (coming soon – slides and videos of lectures, exercises, take-home-work-assignments as group projects, presentations)

Lecture 1 – Qualification framework. Methodological and organizational approaches of its development. Marek Frankowicz, Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland (slides, video)

Lecture 2 – Establishing the WMO Competence Framework for Climate Services. Enric Aguilar, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain (slides, video)

Lecture 3 – The WMO Reform: facing and responding to new scientific and technological challenges. Manola Brunet, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain (slides, video)

Lecture 4 – Present state of implementation of competence-based approach – best practices applied in Ukraine. Oleh Tiapkin, National Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance, Ukraine (slides, video)

Lecture 5 – The relationship between competence framework and qualifications framework. Practices of transformation national, sectoral and other frameworks in different countries. Yurii Rashkevych, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Ukraine (slides, video)

Lecture 6 – Competencies framework vs. existing and foreseen programs. Jon Olano, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain (slides, video)

Lecture 7 – Education for Sustainable Development: teaching and learning practices and processes. Gisela Cebrián Bernat, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Tarragona, Spain (slides, video)

Lecture 8 – Functional analysis. Inna Osadchuk, National Agency for Qualifications in Ukraine (slides, video – part 1, part 2)

Lecture 9-10 – Competence profiles. Competences and learning outcomes. Marek Frankowicz (slides, video – Lecture 9, Lecture 10)

Lecture 11 – Sustainability competencies’ frameworks: emerging teaching and research developments. Gisela Cebrián Bernat (slides, video)

Introduction to group homework assignments & discussions, Inna Khomenko & Oleg Shabliy (slides, video)

* Agenda for the last days of the training (25-26 August 2021)

Final Presentations (videos) for HomeWork Assignments (HWAs) by Groups with feedbacks and evaluations:

* Welcome – Sergiy Stepanenko & Hanna K. Lappalainen (video, slides)

* Group B01 (video, slides), Group B02 (video, slides), Group B03 (video, slides), Group B04 (video, slides), Group B05 & B06 (video, slides), Group B07 (video, slides), Group B08 (video, slides), Group B09 & B10 (video, slides), Group B11 (video, slides), Group B12 (video, slides)

* Summary of the ClimEd 2nd Training (including results of training evaluation)

* ClimEd Training – Deliverable 5.2