ClimEd Training 1 (Online)

Home Events ClimEd Trainings ClimEd Training 1 (Online)

Competence-Based Approach to Curriculum Development for Climate Education


19 April – 12 May 2021


The ClimEd Trainings are focused on training the faculty/ teaching/ research staff and postgraduates at the ClimEd partner institutions and collaborating organizations in advanced educational and information-and-communication technologies for building a flexible multi-level integrated practice-based education system in the field of Climate Services, Climate Change  Adaptation and Mitigation.


The 1st ClimEd training includes the following scheduled blocks:

  • • Lecturing – 19-20-21 April 2021,
  • • Home-Work-Assignments – approximately 3 weeks,
  • • Final Presentations and Discussions – 12 May 2021.


Training materials:


  • * Announcement (aim, training programme in short, organizing committee, organizers, target audience, selection criteria, registration details)


  • * Online application (including motivation letter and CV) web-form



  • * Training programme (schedule and list of lectures, exercises, groups’ homework assignments)


  • * Materials of the training (slides and videos of lectures, exercises, take-home-work-assignments as group projects, presentations)


Lectures (in Ukrainian) by Prof. Yuri Rashkevych (Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine)

  • * Lecture 1 – Basic terms of competence training (slides, video)
  • * Lecture 2 – Formulation of learning outcomes (slides, video)
  • * Lecture 3 – Educational and professional standards (slides, video)
  • * Lecture 4 – Building and description of educational program (slides, video)


Lectures on competence-based learning (in English) by Prof. Marek Frankowicz (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Krakow, Poland)

  • * Lecture 5 –  Qualifications, competences, learning outcomes (slides, video)
  • * Lecture 6 –  Curriculum design (slides, video)
  • * Lecture 7 –  Student-centred learning, teaching and learning methods (slides, video)
  • * Lecture 8 –  Assessment (slides, video)


Groups/ Teams work and Preparation for HomeWork Assignments (HWAs)
moderated by Yuri Rashkevych and Marek Frankowicz

Presentations (video) and discussion on preparatory exercises on learning outcomes, constructive alignment, etc. by Groups:
Group A1, Group A2, Group A3, Group A4, Group A5, Group A6, Group A7, Group A8, Group A9, Group A10, Group A11, Group A12

ClimEd Related HomeWork Assignments as Modules (with specific directions) for Groups A1-A12:
Module “Towards climate-smart policy in the economic sector”
Module “The economic sector transformation: changes, challenges and governance”
for directions: Agriculture, Energy, Technical Design and Construction, Urban Economy, Water Management, Health-care.

Agenda for the last day of the training (12 May 2021)

Final Presentations (videos) for HomeWork Assignments (HWAs; Modules 1, 2, 3) by Groups with feedbacks and evaluations