
Erasmus+ ClimEd Project web-site

Home Events ClimEd Trainings ClimEd Training 3 (Online)

Digital tools and datasets for climate change education


26 October – 12 November 2021


The ClimEd Trainings are focused on training the faculty/ teaching/ research staff and postgraduates at the ClimEd partner institutions and collaborating organizations in advanced educational and information-and-communication technologies for building a flexible multi-level integrated practice-based education system in the field of Climate Services, Climate Change  Adaptation and Mitigation.


The 3rd ClimEd training includes the following scheduled blocks:

• Lecturing – 26-27-28 October 2021,
• Home-Work-Assignments (HWAs) – 2 weeks,
• Final Presentations and Discussions – 12 November 2021.


Training materials:

* Announcement (aim, training programme in short, organizing committee, organizers, lecturers, target audience, selection criteria, registration details)
* Online application (including motivation letter and CV; deadline 18 October 2021) web-form

* Training Programme (details on lectures, topics of HWAs/ Group Projects, list of datasets and tools)

* List of participants (accepted applicants/ trainees and lecturers/ instructors) and preliminary division of trainees by Groups

* Materials of the training (slides and videos of lectures, exercises, take-home-work-assignments as group projects, presentations) – coming soon

Lecture 1 – Regional focus of IPCC Assessment Report in Ukraine Context. Svitlana Krakovska, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Ukraine (slides, video)

Lecture 2 – UHMI activities in support climate related research: current status and perspectives. Svitlana Krakovska, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute, Ukraine (slides, video)

Lecture 3 – WMO integrated climate services: current status and perspectives. Wilfran Moufouma Okia, World Meteorological Organization, Switzerland (slides, video)

Lecture 4 – Observations for climatic variables: obs. system, specifics, challenges. Antti Mäkelä, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (slides, video)

Lecture 5 – Remote sensing/Satellite observations: current state, perspectives, databases, and applicability of results. Larisa Sogacheva, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (slides – 4321, video)

Lecture 6 – Global scale climate modelling: current state, perspectives, databases, and applicability of results. Putian Zhou, University of Helsinki / Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (slides, video)

Lecture 7 – Regional scale climate modelling: current state, perspectives, data/databases, and applicability of results. Tomas Halenka, University Charles in Prague, Checz Republic (slides, video)

Lecture 8 – Urban scale modelling for climate applications. Igor Esau, Nansen Environmental Remote Sensing Center, Norway (slides, video)

Lecture 9 – Climate related datasets, Copernicus related data. Antti Mäkelä, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (slides, video)

Lecture 10 – Tools for visualization and analysis of climate related data. Antti Mäkelä, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland (slides, video)

Introductions to Home-Work-Assignments/ Group projects. Alexander Mahura, UHEL-INAR; Svitlana Krakovska, UHMI; Putian Zhou, UHEL/FMI; Larisa Sogacheva, FMI; Inna Khomenko, OSENU (slides, video)

Climate Competencies (ClimComp) Collaborating project – questionnaire. Joula Siponen, University of Helsinki (video)

* Remote Work on Home Work Assignments, HWAs  (28 October – 12 November 2021) – with online consultations in zoom – on 2 and 9 November 2021

Presentations of Group HWAs plans by: Group C1 (video), Group C2 (video), Group C3 (video), Group C4 (video), Group C5 (video), Group C6 (video), Group C7 (video), Group C8 (video), Group C9 (video), Group C10 (video), Group C11 (video), Group C12 (video)

Final Presentations (videos) for HomeWork Assignments (HWAs) by Groups with feedbacks and evaluations
* Welcome – Sergiy Stepanenko & Svyatosla Tyuryakov (video, slides)
* Group C01 (video, slides), Group C02 (video, slides), Group C03 (video, slides), Group C04 (video, slides), Group C05 (video, slides), Group C06 (video, slides), Group C07 (video, slides), Group C08 (video, slides), Group C09 (video, slides), Group C10 (video, slides), Group C11 (video, slides), Group C12 (video, slides)
* Sumup words and welcome to 4th ClimEd training – Svitlana Krakovska, Alexander Mahura (video, slides)

* Summary of the ClimEd 3rd Training (including results of training evaluation)

* ClimEd Training – Deliverable 5.3