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Home Events ClimEd Trainings ClimEd Training 4

Developing Learning Courses in Climate Services Considering Needs of Different Users


6 – 10 May 2024


The ClimEd Trainings are focused on training the faculty/ teaching/ research staff and postgraduates at the ClimEd partner institutions and collaborating organizations in advanced educational and information-and-communication technologies for building a flexible multi-level integrated practice-based education system in the field of Climate Services, Climate Change  Adaptation and Mitigation.


The 4th ClimEd training includes


Training materials:
* Announcement (aim, training programme in short, organizing committee, organizers, lecturers, target audience, selection criteria, registration details)
* Online application (including motivation letter and CV; deadline 1 Apr 2024; go to web-form
* List of participants (accepted applicants/ trainees and lecturers/ instructors) and preliminary division of trainees by Groups

* Training Programme


MONDAY, 6 May 2024

Session 1:

Climate Datasets. An Overview. Dr. Enric Aguilar, C3/IU-RESCAT/URV. Part 1, Part 2.

Quality Control. Dr. Enric Aguilar, C3/IU-RESCAT/URV

Climate Data Homogenization. Basic Concepts. Dr. Enric Aguilar, C3/IU-RESCAT/URV.

Climate Indices. Dr. Enric Aguilar, C3/IU-RESCAT/URV

Session 2: Introduction to Work in Groups

Link to video: Session 1, Session 2, Session 3

TUESDAY, 7 May 2024

Co-creation for climate services. Concepts and methodology. Dr. Jon Olano Pozo, Dra. Anna Boqué Ciurana. Centre for Climate ChangeC3, Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Co-Creation Methodology for Climate Services

Template – Co-creation

WEDNESDAY, 8 May 2024

From global drought assessment to drought climate services. Sergio Vicente Serrano

Gridded Data of Daily Atmospheric Precipitation and Minimum, Mean and Maximum Air Temperature for Ukraine, 1946-2020. Oleg Skrynyk

Sensitivity of Heat Wave Metrics Calculation to Input Gridded Climate Data (based on a case study of Ukraine). Oleg Skrynyk

THURSDAY, 9 May 2024

Concepts and examples of communication from a climate service. Dra. Anna Boqué Ciurana, Centre for Climate Change C3, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, IU-RESCAT

Participatory Climate Services: Case Studies. CS for surfing activity. Dra. Anna Boqué Ciurana, Centre for Climate Change C3, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, IU-RESCAT

Climate Change Economics: Some Words. Dr Juaa Antonio Duro, Economics Department, URV

Climate Services for Intangible Heritage. Human Towers in Catalonia. Anna Boqué, Jon Olano and Òscar Saladié

FRIDAY, 10 May 2024 – Groups’ presentations

Group D01, Group D02, Group D03, Group D04, Group D05, Group D06, Group D07, Group D08, Group D09, Group D10, Group D11, Group D12,